What’s Happening Wednesday comes to you with a fall market update on the market and what is going on with The Marin Marketing Team. The real estate market continues to thrive as we get ready for Halloween. This year, The Marin Marketing Team is hosting a Great Pumpkin Giveaway which will be held at 1265A Ironwood Street in Campbell River on October 23rd. Be sure to check your email for information! We continue to see lower inventory than buyers in the market. We have many buyers coming from all over and are looking to get settled into their homes before Christmas. We are seeing amazing finance rates in the market right now, and that may mean it’s time to think about selling to get into your dream home! Should this be something you’re curious about, we can help! We will sit down and go over what your home is worth, and what you would be looking for in a new home.
For more information, please give us a call at 250-914-1122, and visit our listings at: http://shannonmarin.com/vancouver-island-homes-for-sale/