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The Final Numbers Are In!

It’s so incredible that in such a short time, with such bad weather on the day of the event we still managed to raise… drum roll… $4,597!!!!!

WOW! This is all thanks to all the people who offered their time, services, products for give-a-ways for the amazing products which people opened their pockets for the chance to win. This was a major contribution for funds.

Next, we need to thank our volunteer Jail Birds who participated in The Canadian Cancer Society Jail-N-Bail fundraiser. Here we had individuals from around the community sign up to come hang out in jail to raise enough bail money to get out! Huge thanks to Ben Coyle the owner of Island Owl Truck & Auto Sales Ltd. , Robert Nixon with Royal LePage Advanced Realty, Lloyd Bergen owner of The Ideal Cafe, and last but most definitely not least, Mr. Ed who stayed in jail all day doubling the required bail amount!

Ed Gernunstad participating in the Jail-N-Bail

Ben Coyle participating in Jail-N-Bail

Here are some more great pictures from the event. To find the entire album, check out our Facebook page.


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